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Hot wheels acceleration lab

So this hot wheels acceleration lab was kind of a partner thing at first, are partner had to time are car while we let are car go down a ten foot track, and they had two timers so they had to stop one at five feet and the other one at the ten.

my first trial time was

21.43  and 2.11 and the second time for the first trial was 3250 the average time for the first trial was 2.1265, and thats in only the first 5 feet

during the second trial my first time was 2.11 and the second time was 3156 and the average time for 10 feet was 3.203

and my average velocity through the ten foot track was 3.122

and we had to determine the time it took for the car to go each 5 foot

from 0-5 my time was 2.1265

and from 5-10 it went 1.077

my average velocity for 0-5 is 2.35

and my average velocity for 5-10 is 4.64

my acceleration time for all the distances was 2.21 for 0-5 and for 5-10 it was 1.43, and for my last one 0-10 my acceleration was 1.94

and all together my acceleration in miles per hour from 0-10 was 1.32/ and in scale it was 84.48

and using the scale acceleration we calculated how long it would take for a car to go 0-60 mph and my calculation results was 0.71luis

How Fast Is Your Hot Wheels Car

the track

The track we had our trial run on was forty ft long it started off on a little slope but increased on the way down, but we had people at every ten feet with a time and they all started when we let our cars go but they all stopped there timers when the car would past there ten foot mark so that they all had different times.

my cars average velocity for the whole track was 6.01, but my car had different velocity at every ten foot mark, the first velocity was 3.80 ft/s , and my second 7.70 ft/s, 7.50 ft/s, and my fastest velocity was 7.90 ft/s

luis graph

Speed and Velocity Quiz


is the measure of how fast something is going

and the distance it covers

Instantaneous Speed

is pretty much just the rate/speed at which your moving or going

Average Speed

is the speed you travel at a distance


the velocity is the direction you go in

Constant Velocity 

is pretty much the average velocity you keep going in one direction

Changing Velocity 


Hot Wheels Scienctific Method Lab

So this scientific method lab was about mesuring and seeing how far a hot wheels car could go on thee different surface it was giving my classmates and I the chance to experiament the three different surfaces, which were carpet, sandpaper and a wood surface.



my hypothisis was that my car would travel the farthest on the wood surface cause the wood would give the car m0re traction and would allow the car to travel farther then on the other two surfaces.

My first test run through my car went two yards and eighteen inches on the wooden surface and on the carpet it went two yards excact and on the sand paper it went one yard and thirty three inches

than the second run through my car went two yards excact and on the carpet it went two yards and two inchces and on the sand paper it went one yard and thirty five inches.

for my final trial for the carpet my car went two yards excact and on the sand papaer it decressed and went one yard and twenty five inches, and for my last trial for the wood it went two yards and five inches.


so you can see that my hypothesis was correct, and the farthest it went was two yards and eighteen inches.

Scientific Method Quiz


the Problem or the Question is to get you thinking and to let you know what your going to be doing your work.


the Research is supposed to help you get more information about your topic


your hypothesis is a guess what you think is going to happen in your experament.


the conclusion is what it all adds up to, and it helps you figure out whether your hypothesis took play or if something else happen.


to Analize is to go over your research just to make sure everything is in tacked and you analize every trial that you do in every experament.


Hot Wheels Car

tori car


Length: 77 mm  7.7 cm .077 m

Height: 24 mm 2.4 cm .024 m

Width: 28 mm 2.8 cm .028 m


Weight: 33 g .032 kg

Welcome To My Science Blog

Welcome to my blog. this blog will be used to discuss many different concepts in science. i hope you will find it useful and interesting ! thanks for visiting.science.asap